Gomez Roofing Services
Modified bitumen:
A waterproofing membrane either granulated or smoothed surfaced composed of asphalts blended with polymers and reinforce with polyester fabric or fiberglass matt.
Steep Sloped Roofing Systems
You can select from many materials from wood shakes to clay tile to slate. But by far the most practical choice, accounting for nearly 2/3 all re roofing in the United States, is asphalt shingles.
Asphalt shingles are named for the sticky, tarry, water-repellent substance that holds them together. They are basically large rectangular mats, about 1 x 3 feet made of cellulose or fiberglass and impregnated or coated with asphalt. There are also coated on the bottom surface with sand, talc, and other mineral filters for stiffening and to eliminate the stickiness of the asphalt. Typically the top surface is coated with granules colored with a hard ceramic glaze. Besides adding color, the granules protect the asphalt from the sun's ultraviolet rays and their weight beefs up the shingles resistance to wind.
Tile roofs date back for centuries and many ancient buildings still have the original tile roof installed. This is obviously a huge benefit for homeowners choosing roof tiles. While some experts say roofing tiles can last up to 100 years the fact is they can actually last much longer. There are many types of roof tiles available today such as concrete roof tile, clay tile, Spanish roof tile, and slate roofing tile but the key is to hire the right tile roofing contractor.